Personal Style and Fashion Blog

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sunday Dinner

Hello closet shoppers, Happy Monday!! Sorry I have been slacking with my post just had a busy work week last week but nonetheless I am back. Yesterday I had a surprise bday dinner to go to for one of my home boys birthday! Here's what I wore:
Sweater/Blazer - Nasty Gal
Pants - Urban Outfitters
Shoes - Nine West
Necklace - HRH Collection
You all know I love color so I had to put that pop of color on with my blazer since I just didn't want to wear black & white. A colored blazer can always add the finisjing touches to an outfit or even a black blazer for that matter. The pants I've had for awhile now but have never worn them so figured dinner would be the best place since i wanted to be a little dressy but casual. Do you own tuxedo pants? If u don't its definitely worth getting a pair because there is so much you can do with them. And as for my sweater well who doesn't love a printed sweater I fell in love with this because I love tiger print as well as a the face of a tiger also it gave me such a vintage feel so I had to have it.

Here are two at a good price at Urban Outfitters

Here is an options for a colored blazer:

Here is an option for a printed sweater:

Hope you like my fit. Please comment below and as always thanks for following.



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