Personal Style and Fashion Blog

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Transition from Summer to Fall

Hello Closet Shoppers,

I know I have been MIA for awhile but life came at me really fast this year and I am just trying to take things one day at a time.  If you follow me on IG you know that in March I lost my grandmother (my moms mom) and then in June I lost my dad.  I have been trying to cope and get my mind right ever since I never thought that day would come where I would hear those words and it literally took my breath away.  I still have my days where I just cry but got will get me thru this.  Anyways my dad lived a great life and touched a lot of lives while he was here on this earth.  So with that being said I had to come back and get on this blog and invest in a photographer to help me with my pics so I can do what I love which is fashion and hopefully touch some lives or people while doing so.  As well as bring you more post on a weekly basis.  Life is too short and with my dad being gone it has put a lot into perspective for me to start and try to make the right moves to do blogging/fashion full time.  So live out your dreams people and don't let anyone or anything stop you.  

Today post is how to transition from summer to fall and you do that with mock neck tops and jackets.  Yup it's that easy!  Mock neck tops have been my go to this summer, they just go with everything.  And it definitely goes well with a jacket since we are approaching cooler days but its not cold enough to have a sweater on, the mock neck plays a great part since it's sleeveless.   What article of clothing do you wear to transition from summer to fall?  Hope you enjoy this post.

Jacket-Zara/Jeans-Urban Outfitters/Shoes-Nine West/Top H&M

Watch-MK/Three finger ring - Urban Outfitters/Bracelet-ShopALS

Thanks for stopping by, until next time!

Photography Erneisha Bailey 


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