Personal Style and Fashion Blog

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mixing Prints

Hello closet shoppers,

So last night I stepped out with my girl to get a drink and a two step in to start celebrating her birthday. I threw on this polka dot top I got from, h&m jacket (I've had for over two years) and my h&m leggings.
I love mixing prints it's so fun plus I just love color! To me the key to mixing prints is to have at least one basic color on that ties into the print. So I have black leggings which ties to both the top and jacket but I could have switched it up with some yellow jeans/pants that match the yellow in my top to go for a different effect. I added another pic from a time I mixed prints just to show you the different looks you can get.
Do you like mixing prints? If so what's the key to mixing prints for you?

Have a good afternoon closet shoppers until next time. Enjoy.

P.S. sorry I could only get one good pic of my fit last night.


Monday, February 25, 2013


Hello closet shoppers, yesterday I was getting dressed to go to lunch and while shopping in my closet I rediscovered some Cole Haan boots that I've had for two years and forgot all about.(I know I'm not the only one that has done that) Anyways figured I'd throw them on with my "queen" sweatshirt from one of my fave vintage online boutiques, and paired it with my grey jeans from banana republic (I bought over a year ago on sale). Have you shopped in your closet lately? if so what have you rediscovered?
Hope you enjoy and until next time.
Happy shopping in your closet



Monday, February 18, 2013

Nudes, black and brown

Hello all, yesterday I spent the day with my cousins and then had dinner with the babe so I decided to dress for the day.
Dress, vest and, neck cuff h&m
Boots Minnetonka

Happy shopping in your closet, talk to you all later.



Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bday Blues

So on my actual bday (the night before i partied into my bday) I met up with some friends for happy hour and here is what I wore, which were all things I already had in my closet for months but never have worn them and they are all vintage from a few of the online vintages stores I love.
Romper: Kevinhadden
Belt: Sgbvintage
Blazer: milaandfire
Shoes are from Dillard's and they are by DV dolce vita
When you get a chance please check out these online vintage stores they all have great vintage pieces.

Until next time xoxo


Monday, February 11, 2013

Bday festivities

So Feb 6 was my 34th bday and what better way to bring it in than at the club doing my same ole two step! I was at club Opera Lounge in DC and my friends and family came out to support and I had a ball. Here are a few pics.
I wore something simple asos top, AA skirt and H&M Blazer,with my favorite Minnetonka tassel boots.
Thanks for visiting until next time xoxo

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